Formerly Parents of Autistic Children Texas

Making Texas Safer for People With Developmental Disabilities

  • Professional & Parent Training Services

    To improve and increase access to state-funded services

  • Behavior Assessments & Community Support

    To facilitate access to healthcare, housing, and community activities

  • Advocacy for Legislative Support & Funding

    To improve systems and funding in the state of Texas

Our vision is to ensure basic human rights, dignity, and flourishing for people with autism and other developmental disabilities who require substantial support.

We believe that all human lives have value and that everyone should have access to safe places to live, work, and play. People with developmental disabilities who require substantial support should have access to safe homes near their loved ones. Additionally, they should have access to medical care, appropriate education, community leisure settings, and places of worship within their communities.

We aim to achieve this by providing professional and parent training, offer behavior assessments and support, and advocate for better legislative support.

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